Site News

Another hack installed

It looks like most of the guts of the CSS page script is now in place. The site is starting to look a bit better. Sometimes I wonder why I do all this. Oh well, off to bed.

Site News

Infrastructure overhaul in progress

Behind the scenes of this site a lot of scripts are changing. This is happening to allow me to do content on a more regular basis without breaking navigation, flow, and most importantly to not have to do lots of work. It looks like it is mostly working for now. More tests soon.

Site News

Aircraft ahoy

I’ve posted my pictures from this past weekend’s air show at Moffett Federal Airfield in Sunnyvale, CA. You can find them here.

Since some amount of people have asked, I shot these pictures with a Canon 10D D-SLR camera, ground shots with a Canon EF 24-85mm USM lens, and air shots with the Canon EF 75-300mm IS USM lens. I happily filled a 512MB compact flash card with the days shots. Enjoy!

Site News

News Is Up

After what seems like an eternity of me procrastinating the newsletter is finally done and posted. If you were unlucky enough not to receive this masterpiece of modern fiction you can view it here. For those of you who did see it, well, you know what to say about it.

While most folks are looking forward to a long weekend for the holiday, I’m looking to spend many hours indoors with 500 gaming fanatics hopped up on caffeine and sleeping underneath tables. They are sleeping there, not me. Just to prove that it isn’t me I’m taking along the new camera to document this strange event. It’s in Oregon, so I get to cross another state off my list of places I haven’t been. Joy.

Site News

What the?

Where have I been? Oh yes, working. I haven’t updated things here in a while but looks like I should do so as people still pop by the web site from time to time. Who knew?

Site News


I’m almost ready to get around and do the newsletter. I’ve gotten the site stabilized and I just need to fix a few more quick links and then I’m done.


Site News

Small Overhaul

This site is slowly starting to get organized around the small amount of work I actually feel like doing to it. My blog has moved from the back burner to the front page, though some of the features like feedback have fallen out. I’ll add them back in when I can fix them.

In other news you’ll be seeing a newsletter shortly. I’ve gotten everything working on the script again, so it is just a matter of sitting down to actually write it. And I thought that would be the hardest part… live and learn.

I just returned from CES so I’m in no shape to stay up typing this much. More to come shortly.

Site News

New stuff

I’ve gotten things in a big mess around here. I wiped the main index file and now it’s pretty well hosed. I put up a new script for this blog (you’re reading on it now) and I’m playing with a new site engine. Take a look!

Site News

Newsletter and Pix up

I finally found some time and got the newsletter done. It’s out the door as of today. Ditto for the picture gallery, which can be found here until I find a better way to handle it.

PHP is oh so much fun!

Site News


It’s been a while since I’ve done anything on the site. Work is keeping me real busy. I’ll see what I can do to put up some new content soon.